Dynamic Dog


While you are staying with us, why not take advantage of my accredited Dynamic Dog Practitioner skills. Dynamic Dog is the ONLY accredited course that teaches professional techniques in spotting potential discomfort in dogs.

A Dynamic Dog consultation not only takes your dog's gait, conformation and posture into consideration, but looks into all aspects of both you and your dog's daily life. This is carried out via video and photographic analysis alongside a deep dive interview with yourself about all aspects of your dog's life. This is then present in report form with corresponding evidence for you to share with your vet.

Why look for pain?

A recent study by Prof Daniel Mills at the University of Lincoln found that approximately 80% of dogs with behavioural issues had some kind of underlying discomfort that was potentially causing or influencing their behaviour. Often the signs of pain are subtle and it can be extremely hard for a vet to detect them in a short 10-15 minute consultation where dogs will often behave differently masking discomfort.

Before attempting any behaviour modification it is important to rule out discomfort. If you don't, you run the risk of the unwanted behaviour persisting, or even getting worse over time.